Tinyseed enables you to back up the seed phrase or Shamir’s secret shares of your wallet on solid titanium. It allows you to protect Bitcoin, Ethereum and NFT from loss – even from catastrophic events like fire, water damage and hardware (wallet) failure.
Compatible with
See what experts are saying
And despite the small size, I didn’t have any issues punching divots into it. This is a meticulously designed product, all the way down to the micro guide holes in each cell to help ensure that you have the straight punch centered.

Jameson Lopp
I fucking love this so so much. You’ve really thought out the entire experience trough. Guide holes on the plate itself, very very nice.

My favorite of the seed backup methods. I bought and tested an early product sample. I love the tiny size and it has now survived the harshest of durability tests.

Warren Togami
Tinyseed is small, easy to punch, and extreme secure.
Minimum Size
Tinyseed is exceptionally small without compromising on storage capacity or security – in fact, its tininess makes it even more robust and private.
3.5 x 2.7 cm
3 mm
13 g
Full Capacity
Despite its small size, a single device can backup e.g. 1x Ledger Nano or 2x Trezor – plus one additional word to number or label your backups.
24+1 words
12 words
12+1 words
Stamping tool for Tinyseed
Enjoy accurate and repeatable results, and a long life. Tinyseed automatic center punch is a professional tool, equipped with large hand guard for comfortable and safe handling. Included in the Starter Pack.

Tamper-proof cover for Tinyseed
Each Tinyseed comes with a cover called Mimicry. Mimicry protects your seed phrase backup from the eyes of others, disguises it as a souvenir, and stores additional information about your backup. Use your smartphone to store e.g. a label, the name of the hardware or software wallet used, the derivation path, XPUB or even the descriptor of your multisig wallet on it. Learn more.
How to setup
Each row of Tinyseed corresponds to one word. Look up each word of your passphrase in the printed word list and make a punch for each filled circle.
How to read
Add up the numbers for each row. The sum of each row gives the position of the word in the word list.
Wallets generate a recovery seed consisting of 12 to 24 words. All compatible wallets use the same BIP39 word list to choose words from. This list contains 2048 alphabetically ordered and numbered words. Instead of punching letters and words directly, it is the number representing their respective position in the word list, that is punched into Tinyseed.
Find a printable copy here: Tinyseed BIP39 word list. But to read Tinyseed you’re not dependent on us, our website or a printed word list. You don’t need to know the word list with punch patterns to recover your seed phrase. Just add up the numbers that are punched and find your words in any available copy of the open source BIP39 word list, for example in the github repository of bitcoin.
See what our clients are saying
It’s incredible that this solitary piece of metal can unlock limitless, self-custodied value. Huge fan of Tinyseed. Best seed phrase storage possible.

Dennis Pourteaux


Excellent quality! Thank you Tinyseed. Some people buy gold bars and me buy titanium bars.

on payments with BTC
High precision hardened steel tip with Bitcoin logo, matching our center punch. Available as a single item for 89€ or as a value pack in combination with Starter Pack.
Unlike a traditional crowdfunding campaign, Tinyseed started with an NFT drop on Metadrop. Tinyseed NFT can be redeemed for the corresponding product and a Tinyhead NFT (commemorative art NFT).
The drop featured Titanium Starter Pack and Refill Pack, and Tinyseed Platinum – a seed phrase storage made of solid platinum. Learn how to redeem your NFT.
A recovery seed, backup seed, seed phrase, mnemonic seed, mnemonic phrase, pass phrase or backup phrase is a list of words which store all the information needed to recover hardware or software wallet funds. Wallets will typically generate a recovery seed and instruct the user to write it down on paper. If the user’s computer, hardware wallet or smartphone breaks, or their hard drive becomes corrupted, they can use the paper backup to get their coins back. This is a very elegant solution!
Unfortunately paper is prone to fire and water (among many other things). That’s why Tinyseed enables you to back up the seed phrase of your wallet on solid titanium.
Tinyseed follows the open source industry standart for recovery seeds, called BIP39. Wallets generate a recovery seed consisting of 12 to 24 words. All compatible wallets use the same BIP39 word list to choose words from. This list contains 2048 alphabetically ordered and numbered words. Instead of punching letters and words directly, it is the number representing their respective position in the word list, that is punched into Tinyseed.
Punching numbers instead of words is key to Tinyseeds exclusive small size.
BIP39 (Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 39) is an open industry standard that defines how a recovery seed is constructed. It contains a list of 2048 alphabetically ordered words. Recovery seeds consist of up to 24 uniquely ordered words from that list.
It’s just binary numbers, the standart every computer operates on. Numbers can be writen as binary, e.g. the binary of the number “1928” equals “011110001000”. Tinyseeds punching patterns are identical to binary numbers, “0” means “no punch” and “1” means “punch”. You could easily calculate the binary representation of a given number yourself, even without using a computer – but you don’t have to.
Get it here: Tinyseed BIP39 word list. But to read Tinyseed you’re not dependent on us, our website or a printed word list. You don’t need to know the word list with punch patterns to recover your seed phrase. Just add up the numbers that are punched and find your words in any available copy of the open source BIP39 word list.
No, not at all. If we close our business and leave this simulation for good, you can still access your funds. BIP39 is an industry standart and open source. You can download the word list any time from github and many other sources. You don’t need to know the word list with punch patterns to recover your seed phrase. Just add up the numbers that are punched and find your words in any available copy of the open source BIP39 word list.
Basically all of them. The only condition is that the software or hardware wallet you use to manage your assets complies with the BIP39 standard, which is the case with almost all wallets.
Use the NFC chip to label your backups. In addition, you can use the 25th word to number your backups – this way you can assign a word from the word list to each of your backups to label them. Any additional information that is not security-critical can then be saved elsewhere and given the same label.
While this is possible if you choose a word from the BIP39 word list as the password, it is not recommended. It would not be a secure password, and if the backup is compromised, the password would be compromised as well. In general, it makes little sense to back up the password to a wallet along with the seed phrase of that wallet.
Use the 25th word instead to label or number your different backups.